Thursday, April 16, 2009

deck the halls

I just tinkered around and figured out how to play "Deck the Halls"! It's probably lesson one for every children's beginner's piano book, but so what? I learned it in a matter of moments.

To expand on last night, though, I'm proud to say that I can at least identify where major chords are and play them isolated. If nothing else I'll practice them until my arms break tonight. I think it's a rudimentary element that I have to know before I proceed and want to achieve mastery of these basic song parts. Once I finish my coffee I'm going to head to Sam Ash/ Guitar Center and ask around for tips. I'll be previewing devices to purchase once I'm ready for an upgrade and books I'll want to pick up once I become adept.

After watching the first 40 minutes or so of The Doors today (for the 700th time) I realized more than ever that I've strayed from true self. My loves, my passions include poetry, art and music, spirituality and experience embodied by Jim Morrisson. Watching the film in this pressure free context of a man on sporing break, and yet disciplined enough to stop the movie to actively pursue a passion is a truer reflection of myself than I've seen in a mirror in a long time. Than I've seen in a river.

The great river swirls at my feet,
it's estuaries pour unto my knees
and all the fish that fight upstream
I'm blinded by their sun-kissed sheen
Against their flesh I'm but a ghost
Intrepid, intruding on a private coast
watching as profane as theft or rape
thus drowned amid this shallow wake
devour my flesh and I become
the million fish that fight among
the stones that bed the river's side
and so I swim on through myself
cast upon my glassy eyes
is the billion year old ocean sky
a mottled mat of blues and whites
and the myriad colors that flesh the night

the river is long

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Here is a wonderful video I just found online about playing major chords.

As for progress, I killed 2 hours at Borders looking for a book on the basics and came up with a book that will do me well in about another 2 or 3 weeks if I remain consistent. Otherwise, this video saved my night. Now all I have to do is keep the volume level low and I can jam all night. Tomorrow I'll investigate better keyboards, songbooks, etc. and soak in the atmosphere at Sam Ash or Guitar Center. I think this is going to stick...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


In an odd twist of fate and circumstance, I just realized something. I started my first blog the day that I heard Atmosphere's "Sunshine" for the first time.

Last night I tinkered with the keys until I figured out how to play the piano portion. A relatively simple task, I praise it as a success considering my neophyte status. It took me about a total of 20 minutes to figure out a portion of it, and then about another 5 to master the actual configuration. My joy manifested in a call to Neisel, who's genuine excitement and instant recognition meant that I really had done well.

What's also exciting about Atmosphere is that many of their songs contain relatively simple piano portions that I can use to practice learning by listening. It will take me a while, but I'll have not only a readily available catalogue from which to choose, but I'll also have an open ear who can help in confirming a mastery. It also helps that Sara is very good at judging how well a played song matches the actual version. I hope to reach her level soon.

Well, off to play again!


Countless projects started and even fewer finished.
I really would hate for this to be the quote on my grave marker. I intend, then, for this blog to trace my progress in my most recent project- learning to play the keyboard.

Three weeks ago I sat at Paul's keyboard and banged away for a while. He taught me how to play a chord and it's minor variation, and so I had fun with the keys. Soon thereafter, Paul joined me and jammed along on the drums, his guitar and then his harmonica. I became possessed by the very spirit of music, jumping back and forth and alternating rhythms to suit the mood. It was adrenaline combined with the supernatural creative forces that swirl about us.

After the jam session I picked up a beginners book and learned to play Fres-re-jaques. It took me a few tries, but I nailed it with relative ease. Soon thereafter, upon Paul's behest, I added chords to it and improvised by playing the notes two times each, in rapid succession so as to enhance the sound and audible speed. Paul once again joined me on both harmonica and guitar.

We played for an eventual total of 2 hours. Those 2 hours mark the beginning of my adventure...